International Congress on Gifted Youth and Sustainability of the Education

6th International Congress on Gifted Youth and Sustainability of the Education (ICGYSE) 13-14 December 2025 will be held in (Online and face to Face at Malang, Istanbul, Turkiye. Congress Theme: Paradigm shift in education. ICGYSE language' is English.

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ICGYSE2024 Congress Program

Selected Articles

Selected articles will be published these journals.

Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity

Rast Musicology Journal

Journal for the Mathematic Education and Teaching Practices

Math Education

Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientist

Journal for the Child Development, Exceptionality and Education (JCDEE)

Journal for the Agriculture, Biotechnology and Education (JABE)

Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education (JIAE)

Welcome to the event on science and gifted education

The driving force of developed countries is talented human resources. The most important human resource is young scientists. This conference will discuss new models, strategies and practices in science education and gifted education and will open new horizons for educational institutions, administrators, academicians, educators and families.
New solutions on science and gifted education

Stress points in STEM education, difficulties in directing young people to artificial intelligence and software, increasing costs of gifted education, sustainability of mentoring systems, time, space and cultural problems in family education. Solutions to many more issues.

New Trends in Educational Models

Renzulli's new model, EPGBU Model, STEM Education models

Field Experts' Perspectives

Future perspectives of field experts, suggestions on theories and practices, perspectives on different fields, critiques on new trends ...

Event schedule 2024
IGYSE2024 will be announced December 26, 2024

Check the program for this year's conference and learn about the speakers and sessions in store for tech enthusiasts.
Click for Event Schedule ICGYSE 2024

Featured Speakers

Our speakers come from all over the world. They are important academics in gifted and science education.

Prof.Dr. Hanna DAVID

Telaviv University, Israel

Prof. dr. Hanna David is a professor emeritus at Tel Aviv University and her field of practice is guidance and counseling for the gifted. She is one of the world's most important academics and writers in this field. She will give two speeches at ICGYSE2022. First; Second ``Self-disclosure in the treatment of gifted children``; ``Being the Educator and Family of a Gifted Child Post-Pandemic``

Dr. Ahmet Sanverdi

Academics/Businessman/Author/Father of Gifted

Also. Ahmet Sanverdi completed his doctorate at London Metropolitan University. He is the author of the book ``man Rights and Democracy in International Relations: Turkey and the EC``. Currently, he has an international trade company in England. He served as the vice chairman of the Great Unity Party in Turkey. Ela Princess Sanverdi, one of her children, received the ``Multi Talent Young Person of the Year`` award. In his speech, Sanverdi will make a presentation on the British education system and the promotion of giftedness. Being the Family of a Gifted Child in the UK: From the Perspective of the British Education System

Prof. Dr. Joseph Renzulli

Keynote Speaker

University of Connecticut, Gifted Education, Torrs, United States

Dr. Fernanda Piske

Departament of inclusion and educational specialized service of SME , Curitiba, Brazil

Gifted Education

Featured Speakers (2020-2021)

Our speakers come from all over the world. They are important academics in gifted and science education.

Prof.Dr. Hanna DAVID

Telaviv University, Israel

Counseling of Gifted, Assoc Editor of JEGYS
Speech Title: Digital immigrants, digital natives and digital learners: Where are we now?

Prof.Dr. Suhail AL-ZOUBI

Section Editor of JEGYS

Twice Exceptionality

Prof. Dr. Joseph Renzulli

Keynote Speaker

University of Connecticut, Gifted Education, Torrs, United States

Dr. Fernanda Piske

Departament of inclusion and educational specialized service of SME , Curitiba, Brazil

Gifted Education

Assoc. Prof. Abu Yazıd ABU BAKAR

Editorial Board Member of JEGYS

Gifted education and Counseling

Prof.Dr. Hamza Omari MOKIWA

Editorial Board Member of JEGYS

Gifted Education

Prof. Dr. Jose Osuna Exposito

Rector of Universidad Internacional Abierta Generalísimo Sebastian Francisco de Miranda

Universidad Internacional Abierta Generalísimo Sebastian Francisco de Miranda

Prof.Dr. Albert Ziegler

Editorial Board Member of JEGYS

Gifted Education

Our Partners/Sponsors (To be a partner, please contact to us)

ICGYSE supported by many institutes, universities, companies, associations. Thanks for contributions.

Talent & Giftedness Research Group, SQU



King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL)



Raden Intan Islamic State University



The Academic College for Education in Israel Haifa



Ajman University


United Arab Emirates

Malang State University



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